Read on for fascinating meditations, such as:

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  • Anyone can lab: Just don’t let anyone tell you that you need good results to be taken seriously;
  • The myth of ‘talent vs. hard work:’ what that argument’s really all about, and why we shouldn’t entertain it;
  • Scratching the surface: The joy we experience in the first few weeks of a new competitive game? We can carry it on through the game’s entire lifespan. Labbing, as an activity, may hold the key…
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A bottle of mild bobby sauce, hue shifted so that Spongebob's trademark yellow look appears green.
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The Sulfuric Acid item from The Binding of Isaac, colour-corrected so the liquid inside of the bottle appears blue. The bottle is marked with a black 'X.'
  • A brief respite from editing posts on polemic books to bring you news about the ex-bird site – news about its ex-users, that is.
  • The migration from X (formerly known as Twitter) to Mastodon gave researchers a golden opportunity to record data on the collective action problem. Spoilers: it’s pretty good news.

A sair heid on a plate. It's a simple cylindrical sponge cake, topped with icing and wrapped in greaseproof paper. 'Sair Head' is Scots for 'sore head.'
  • I turned twenty-three this week, so here’s a collection of topics that have nothing to do with that:
  • Frustrations over that bloody video, again;
  • Books on my radar;
  • Working on the blog on-the-go with a new cloud solution (that’s not actually in the cloud)
happy birthday