Two paths down two seemingly separate hallways leads to the same exit, marked 'MLitt.' One exit is labeled 'Dunning-Kreuger,' the other 'Imposter Syndrome.' The caption reads: "The illusion... of free choice."

A little 9-minute something about:

  • Epistemic anxiety: When you fear that there’s a lot more to how you know what you know… that you don’t know;
  • Craft: Expectations of what your stories should contain that your audience will love
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A twisting hallway, drenched in blue light, leads the way to an empty room with a grand piano. On the right of the entrance, a sign reads: "Someone feels missing..."


What an excellent day to read to the end and find such contemplative thoughts as:

  • Liminal spaces – and why they feel comforting, yet eerie;
  • Liminality in anthropology – and how it can explain said comforting eeriness;
  • Persona 3 Reload, once more – and how the observing of its many rites of passage culminates in the most beautiful ending to a game I’ve ever played.
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Read on for fascinating meditations, such as:

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A stack of journals on my desk.
  • My (re?)discovery of journalling – and how I reclaimed it from instrumentation.
  • Good intentions – or, when other people think they know your condition better than you, but they mean well.
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