Green paperclip bent to look like a pipe. Underneath it is written, "ceci n'est pas un linkdump" ("this is not a linkdump")

A sixteen-minute read on an assortment of topics, such as:

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A sponge being put through a wringer.
  • I bought Nick Brawl 2 on sale. It’s about time I got back in the saddle…
  • I am asking you once again to read my opinions on network effects
  • Playing to win is for losers.
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  • Twitter friends: Friends, on Twitter, who I left without telling them where I was going.
  • Our social media predicament: Is it addiction, a you problem? Or does that distract us from the reality of monopolies doing a monopoly?
  • The EU will force Big Tech companies to interoperate in 2024. It’s got one chance to show the world how interop can work. I hope it does.
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