The Sulfuric Acid item from The Binding of Isaac, colour-corrected so the liquid inside of the bottle appears blue. The bottle is marked with a black 'X.'
  • A brief respite from editing posts on polemic books to bring you news about the ex-bird site – news about its ex-users, that is.
  • The migration from X (formerly known as Twitter) to Mastodon gave researchers a golden opportunity to record data on the collective action problem. Spoilers: it’s pretty good news.

  • Twitter friends: Friends, on Twitter, who I left without telling them where I was going.
  • Our social media predicament: Is it addiction, a you problem? Or does that distract us from the reality of monopolies doing a monopoly?
  • The EU will force Big Tech companies to interoperate in 2024. It’s got one chance to show the world how interop can work. I hope it does.
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